Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Halloween 2006

Halloween was awesome. Scott was Count Chocula and I was a witch. Scott got second place at the Halloween costume contest at his parent’s house. He was really mad that he didn’t get first and says that the voting was “rigged.”

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I wore a really ugly nose for part of the time – but it was really hard to breath in and was REALLY over the top ugly… eh… I guess I decided to be a good which part of the time and a bad which part of the time haha.

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Ike did not like his custom very much, but he wore it for a few hours:

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Scott’s parents looked really good this Halloween. They were mountain man and woman and Becky was wearing a real wolf on her head!!

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I had a pretty big party at my house on Halloween. There were some great costumes and I made witches brew which was a hit! I made a few people pose in a dance picture type format. It cracks me up.

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All in all, it was a great Halloween 2006 and I can’t wait for Halloween to come again!