I just wanted to take some time to write about someone that inspires me on a day-to-day basis and someone who has shaped a lot of who I am and who I strive to be.
My sister Emily has been one of the people in my life that’s inspired me most. She’s always been there for me since I was a wee little lad and I’ve always looked up to her and wanted to be just like her.
Sure, there were times when she would torment me (because that’s what sister’s do) – but how can you no forgive someone who makes you suck your toe when you are two (it’s funny!) or who wouldn’t let you hang out with their teenage friends when you were eight?
My sister has had a lot of patience with me throughout the years. I always looked up to her, wanted to be just like her… wear her clothes, her makeup/jewelry, read her journal, etc. etc. I guess that’s why she gave me the name “Jess the Pest” for a while : ) but as we’ve grown older – we’ve developed a friendship and relationship that means more to me than most in this world.
She is one of the most giving, kind-hearted individuals I’ve ever known and she’s always taken the time to help mentor me to be a better person. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said “What would Emily do?” throughout my lifetime.
Throughout the years she’s inspired me to be a better wife, cook, scrap-booker, sibling, photographer, organizer, giver, worker, leader, mentor, multi-tasker, etc. – the ultimate woman in 2012 society requires a lot of balance… and she’s helped me to find this balance throughout the years.
As of late, Em has inspired me to be a mother… one of the biggest decisions of my life. But, watching Emily as a mother over the past four years has been so enlightening, inspiring and most of all CONTAGIOUS. She makes it look so fun and her children have lit up my life in ways nothing else can.
I wonder sometimes where I’d be without such a strong older sister to guide me through the ups and downs of life. In a world where sisters often annoy each other, compete, and backbite – I feel lucky to have a sister with whom I have a close loving relationship and with whom I have so much in common.
A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. ~Isadora James