Saturday, February 17, 2018


Please please please keep your eyes and ears open for ways you can help other humans. I know, we are all “super busy” - right? Not too busy to help our community. Yesterday I was near SJ’s school and I saw a bunch of people swerving because something was in the road. It was a giant bag full of trash that had fell off the back of what looked like a mechanic’s truck. It had sand, gas, used car parts, Mountain Dew cans amongst a bunch of other nasty stuff in it and had been scattered across the road due to people running it over. I looked at it as I swerved with the other cars and thought... “that is going to be a nasty mess to clean up.... for someone else...” then, I thought - you know what - I am going to roll up my sleeves, go find a garbage bag right now, and clean that up so someone else doesn’t have to do it and so it will stop causing a hazard in the road. It took me 15 minutes... it was disgusting... I smelled like gas for an hour, but I am happy I did it to help out. Our actions create a flywheel affect — the positive actions and intentions you put in the world help other positive things happen, then more positive things happen. Our community is what we make it. Take the time. Slow down. Show love. You are not too busy.